get started with python

About Course
python Beginner course.
Introduction to Features and Applications of Python; Flavors of python. Thrust Areas of python.
Python Basics: Identifiers, Keywords, Statements and Expressions, Variables Operators, Precedence and Association, Data Types, Indentation, Comments, reading input, print output , Type Conversions, type() functions and special operators. Python Libraries; Importing Libraries with Examples. Format Specifiers; Escape Sequences; mathematical functions and random functions. Python Control Flow: Types of Control Flow, Control Flow Statements- if, else, elif, while loop, break, continue statements, for loop Statement, range () and exit () functions. Exception Handling: Types of Errors; Exceptions, Exception Handling using try, except and finally. Python Functions: types of functions, built in functions, python user defined functions, types of function arguments, anonymous functions, recursion
Strings: Creating and Storing Strings; Accessing String Characters; the str () function, Operations on Strings- Concatenation, Comparison, Slicing and Joining, String Methods, formatting strings.
Lists: Creating Lists, Operations on Lists, Built-in Functions on Lists, list methods, del statement Dictionaries: Creating Dictionaries, Operations on Dictionaries, Built-in Functions on Dictionaries, Dictionary Methods. Tuples and Sets: Creating Tuples, Operations on Tuples, Built-in Functions on Tuples,Tuple Methods; Creating Sets Operations on Sets, Built-in Functions on Sets, Set Methods, frozen set. |