About Course
Students will gain the basic skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.
What you Learn?
- To develop a web application using HTML, CSS and PHP technologies.
- Students will be able to connect a PHP program to a DBMS (MYSQL) and perform insert, update and delete operations on DBMS table.
- Students will be able to write a server side PHP web application to catch data sent from client, process it and store it on database.
Course Content
Introduction to HTML (Copy 1)
Introduction to HTML (Copy 1)
24:05 -
Lecture 1 (Copy 1)
HTML Tags 1 (Copy 1)
HTML Tags 2 (Copy 1)
HTML Tag 3 (definition list,image tag etc) (Copy 1)
HTML Tag 4 (Table Tag and its attributes) (Copy 1)
HTML Tag 5 (iframe tag and its attributes) (Copy 1)
How to upload assignment (Copy 1)
HTML Tag 6(form tag and input tag) (Copy 1)
HTML Tag 7 (Textarea Tag and other Input Tags) (Copy 1)
HTML Tag 8 (Label Tag, Fieldset Tag, Legend Tag and advanced Tag in HTML 5) (Copy 1)
Introduction to CSS (Copy 1)
CSS: ID selector , Text Decoration and Text Alignment Properties. (Copy 1)
CSS: Text spacing , Text indent , Pseudo element and Pseudo classes (Copy 1)
CSS: Box Properties (Copy 1)
CSS:Class Selector and Background Properties (Copy 1)
CSS:List Property and Table Property (Copy 1)
Introduction to PHP (Copy 1)
Variables and conditional statements and looping statements in PHP (Copy 1)
PHP Array : indexed array and associative array (Copy 1)
PHP : Handling Form Data (Copy 1)
PHP: Working with Databases and SQL – Lecture 1 (Copy 1)
PHP: Working with Databases and SQL – Lecture 2 (Copy 1)
PHP: Working with Databases and SQL – Lecture 3 (Copy 1)
Executing PHP with MYSQL Database using Mobile Apps (Copy 1)
PHP Program with MYSQL Code (Copy 1)
The final exam of the course: QUIZ (everyone must attempt 30 marks) by 3rd june 2020 only once you can attempt. (Copy 1)
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