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About Course

Students will gain the basic skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.

What you Learn?

  • To develop a web application using HTML, CSS and PHP technologies.
  • Students will be able to connect a PHP program to a DBMS (MYSQL) and perform insert, update and delete operations on DBMS table.
  • Students will be able to write a server side PHP web application to catch data sent from client, process it and store it on database.

What Will You Learn?

  • Student will be familiar with client server architecture.
  • Able to develop a web application using HTML, CSS and PHP technologies.
  • Students will gain the basic skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.

Course Content

Introduction to HTML (Copy 1)
In this lecture we are going to see , what is web page , what is the purpose of web page . Introduction to html , basic structure of HTML code and text content tags like etc., and about self closed tag and container tags.

  • Introduction to HTML (Copy 1)
  • Lecture 1 (Copy 1)

HTML Tags 1 (Copy 1)
In this lecture we are going to see the basics of HTML Tags.

HTML Tags 2 (Copy 1)
In this video Lecture the next level of HTML tags were discussed like insert , delete, strikeout tags, meta tag, different types of list tag were discussed .

HTML Tag 3 (definition list,image tag etc) (Copy 1)
Watch video lecture 4 , then try all the exercises which we discussed in the video lecture .

HTML Tag 4 (Table Tag and its attributes) (Copy 1)

HTML Tag 5 (iframe tag and its attributes) (Copy 1)
It about how to embed another website or video in your web page , also how to add google map of a particular place in your web page.

How to upload assignment (Copy 1)

HTML Tag 6(form tag and input tag) (Copy 1)

HTML Tag 7 (Textarea Tag and other Input Tags) (Copy 1)

HTML Tag 8 (Label Tag, Fieldset Tag, Legend Tag and advanced Tag in HTML 5) (Copy 1)

Introduction to CSS (Copy 1)

CSS: ID selector , Text Decoration and Text Alignment Properties. (Copy 1)

CSS: Text spacing , Text indent , Pseudo element and Pseudo classes (Copy 1)

CSS: Box Properties (Copy 1)

CSS:Class Selector and Background Properties (Copy 1)

CSS:List Property and Table Property (Copy 1)

Introduction to PHP (Copy 1)
In this lecture discussed , introduction to PHP , why PHP , how PHP works and variables in PHP.

Variables and conditional statements and looping statements in PHP (Copy 1)

PHP Array : indexed array and associative array (Copy 1)

PHP : Handling Form Data (Copy 1)

PHP: Working with Databases and SQL – Lecture 1 (Copy 1)

PHP: Working with Databases and SQL – Lecture 2 (Copy 1)

PHP: Working with Databases and SQL – Lecture 3 (Copy 1)

Executing PHP with MYSQL Database using Mobile Apps (Copy 1)

PHP Program with MYSQL Code (Copy 1)

The final exam of the course: QUIZ (everyone must attempt 30 marks) by 3rd june 2020 only once you can attempt. (Copy 1)

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