Headache after a small amount of alcohol: Causes

why does tequila give me a headache

Migraine is a symptom of an underlying condition, and one of the elements of a migraine is a headache. A migraine is headache with other symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, aura and more. We know that if we treat the underlying cause, we can make great strides in helping migraine patients live pain-free. You can consider going for foods such as bread that will help raise the blood sugar. In addition, fructose-containing foods also help metabolize the alcohol content more rapidly.

why does tequila give me a headache


why does tequila give me a headache

Granted, some headaches, like migraine, can be triggered or exacerbated by drinking alcohol, but the throughline is blurry. If you’re up and moving around a lot, you may exacerbate a cocktail headache. This may partially explain why you wake up with a pounding headache after a night of drinking and dancing. There are animal studies that suggest a potential link between alcohol’s inflammatory effects and headaches. Dehydration triggers some migraine cases; therefore, drinking plenty of water can help, even after the fact. Drinking water helps replenish your fluids and flush the alcohol out of your system.

  • There is only one sure way if treating an alcohol-related headache.
  • A 2019 study recognized alcoholic beverages, especially red wine, as a migraine trigger factor for people with migraine.
  • While some people try to prevent headaches by taking over-the-counter pain medications before drinking, this can be dangerous.


These can be very uncomfortable and can be caused by dehydration after consuming alcohol. Aside from this, there is some evidence to show that drinks that have been through an ageing process are liable to cause more reactions within the body. Wine contains tannins that are found in the skins of the grapes used to make the wine. Whilst many people do not suffer any side effects from ingesting tannins, there are some who find them to be a source of their headaches. Some of the things that can be found inside wine may cause some sort of reaction in the person drinking it. Histamine, which is essentially something that can cause an allergic reaction in the body can be found in great quantities in wine, with red wine having up to 200 times more than white wine.

why does tequila give me a headache

Other effects of drinking alcohol

Alcohol is a known trigger though and one study suggests that it may bring on attacks in about 50-80% of patients who suffer from this type of headache. About two-thirds of people who drink alcohol develop these headaches. People who suffer from migraine are more prone to these reactions — even after drinking less alcohol than people who don’t get migraine headaches. Another thing that remains unclear is whether the type of alcohol you drink determines whether or not you will get a migraine headache. Some studies found that red wine is a main trigger in migraine with aura and cluster type migraine, but they https://ecosoberhouse.com/ also note that all alcohol could have the same effect. Around 30% of people who experience recurrent migraines report alcohol as a trigger, and 10% of patients cite it as a frequent or consistent trigger.

why does tequila give me a headache

And many people are surprised to why does tequila give me a headache find out that it doesn’t take much alcohol to trigger them. Headaches and migraines can be extremely uncomfortable, and even debilitating at times. Learning more about exactly what causes alcohol-induced headaches can provide motivation for building healthier habits and feeling better.

What the Community Says About Alcohol-Induced Headache

Genes that play a role in opioid, serotonin, and dopamine systems also influence alcohol sensitivity. These genes may affect the likelihood of experiencing symptoms such as headaches after Substance abuse drinking small amounts. Brandy, red wine, and rum have the highest levels of congeners, while gin and vodka contain fewer of these chemicals. However, more recent research indicates no relationship between tension type headaches and alcohol consumption. You should remember that there is a difference between a “hangover” and just straight out alcohol poisoning. John has travelled extensively around the world, culminating in 19 years’ experience looking at different models.

For example, on average, females tend to weigh less than males. Individuals with lower body weights cannot process as much alcohol as individuals at higher weights. Biogenic amines are nitrogenous substances that are similarly found in many fermented foods and drinks. But according to Waterhouse and Devi, the amount of milligrams of sulfites in wine — 20 milligrams in a single glass — are unlikely to be enough to overwhelm the body’s sulfite oxidases. Waterhouse and Devi measured how quercetin slows down the process of the enzyme ALDH breaking down acetaldehyde, which is produced in the human body when breaking down alcohol. Headaches, including migraine, are treatable with the right combination of medication and lifestyle adjustments.

What Are The Types Of Alcohol Induced Headache?

According to research, more than 1.5billion working days are lost due to headaches. In fact, headaches have the power to turn the best of occasions into total torture. Despite other causes that can cause headaches such as chronic illness, we have an obvious cause which if you wanted you could avoid. In this article, we will discuss alcohol headaches after one drink and how to effectively treat the condition. But if you’re prone to migraine headaches, you’ll need to be careful about how much you drink. A 5-ounce glass of wine (or 12 ounces of beer or a 1.5-fluid-ounce shot) may be OK every now and then, so long as it doesn’t bring on a headache.

  • In this article, we will discuss alcohol headaches after one drink and how to effectively treat the condition.
  • This can differ for each person and whilst one may find that spirits cause a headache, another may find that lager doesn’t agree with them.
  • Preventing migraine begins with identifying and reducing or eliminating common migraine triggers such as alcohol, dehydration, and certain foods.

Relationship between alcohol and migraine headaches

  • Sometimes, migraines don’t plague patients until the next morning, just as their blood-alcohol content level is back to normal.
  • The migraines tend to start within three hours of consuming alcohol.
  • If you still continue to experience headaches, however, especially after a single drink, you might be better off avoiding alcohol altogether.
  • However, the scientists said there’s too few of an amount of biogenic amines in wine to cause brutal hangovers.

The quality of the alcohol consumed may be a factor in whether it triggers a headache. Lower-quality wines contain molecules known as phenolic flavonoid radicals, which may interfere with serotonin, a signaling molecule in the brain involved in migraine attacks. Without a consistent cause-and-effect situation, though, it could be a number of factors — not just alcohol — that are triggering your migraine headache. If you do notice a pattern, especially with particular types of alcohol over others, you may choose to avoid the offending drinks. When alcohol is a trigger for one’s usual primary headaches, the pain usually occurs within three hours of alcohol consumption.

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