Internal Test III (practical)
Dear StudentsKindly note the following This is the third Internal test consists of 2 questions (2 x 25 =50, 1500 words for each question).Required to answer practical experience and theoretical understanding …
Dear StudentsKindly note the following This is the third Internal test consists of 2 questions (2 x 25 =50, 1500 words for each question).Required to answer practical experience and theoretical understanding …
Guidelines to follow for the assignment:Record a video introducing yourself.Your face must be seen in the video.Your gestures, facial expression, body language and content is considered for grading.The medium of…
List out the various investment banks in India.
List out the mutual fund agencies avilable in India.
Follow the below instructions while making a video.Demonstrate different types of business handshakes involving you and your friend/s or family member/s.the video should not be more than 3 minutes.before making…